Micro Particles Lego Toy Building Blocks Astronaut Boys And Girls Series Astronaut Educational Toys


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Micro Particles Lego Toy Building Blocks Astronaut Boys And Girls Series Astronaut Educational Toys


The Micro Particles Lego Toy Building Blocks Astronaut Series offers a creative and educational play experience for boys and girls. Key features include small, detailed building blocks that allow for intricate designs, promoting fine motor skills and spatial awareness. The astronaut theme sparks interest in space exploration and science, making it an engaging learning tool. Benefits include enhancing problem-solving abilities and encouraging imaginative play. Its unique selling points are the compact size for easy storage, compatibility with other building block sets, and the focus on STEM education, making it an ideal gift for young aspiring astronauts.


Product Attributes

3C Configuration Category: Under 14 Years Old Toys

Material: Plastic

Item Number: 6906

Packaging: Color Box

Plastic Material Classification: ABS

Plastic Building Block Type: Diamond Small Particles

Block Net Weight: 0.5kg












1888pcs (with 2 lights), 1110pcs (with light), 1588pcs (with light), 1368pcs (with 2 lights)

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